Running injury assessment, gait analyses, running biomechanics and running injury treatment are unnecessarily complicated.  The research in the area is vast but unfortunately the clinically applicability is poorly delineated.  The aim of this course is to provide a pathway and clinical reasoning framework for the therapist to work with runners and endurance athletes of all abilities while applying the best evidence available.


The biopsychosocial model of care is currently the best framework we have for treating athletes.  Typically, running injury management will focus on the tiny and irrelevant biomechanical features of running and will ignore other factors that create resiliency and allow you to best manage running  injuries.  

Upon the completion of the course the therapist will feel confident in:

- analysing and modifying the run training programs for injured and non-injured runners

- a simple but comprehensive assessment of ALL of the loads that influence performance and injury

- understanding running biomechanics and the relevance of those biomechanics for injury and performance

- performing a running gait assessment, modifications and re-education to keep runners running

- making the clinical decision of when to "expose versus protect" for the pained athlete.  

- understanding the risk factors for running injury and how they can be modified

-prescribing "Comprehensive Capacity" exercises for both injury management and performance

- "cognitive restructuring" - how to use motivational interviewing and pain science principles to motivate behavioural change in the injured runner to create higher levels of self efficacy and resiliency

course Schedule

Course schedule with content is here. Please note, that we don’t always follow this order but we do cover all of these topics